Dienstag, 23. Februar 2016

Interview of Donald Trump

Hey Guys,

last lesson we watched an interview with Mr. Colbert Donald Trump, one of the candidates for presidency in the USA.

He has spoken about to built a wall at the border of the USA and Mexico, if he was elected for the presindecy. With this kind of wall he wants to stop the illegal immigration and drug traffic between the USA and Mexico. He only wants to have legal immigration so he wants to build a big door into the wall.

I think it's the wrong way of thinking, because everybody should can go everywhere he wants to.
Drug traffic a very critical issue and it have to be stopped, but a wall isn't the right solution for this problem.
As for his chances to become president of the United States of America I believe that he has bad chances to get this presidency, because all of his solutions aren't the right one and most of the population know this.

I think the next American president will be Hillary Clinton.

See you,

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